Room in shared house near Warwick Uni


Gerard Avenue, Coventry, CV4


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Julie C. 5-star rating

University College London

Anthony from Campusboard was a really great help, very considerate and patient despite all my requirements, he always seemed to find the best solutions and I’m grateful he was there to help.


Elise E. 5-star rating

University of Bristol

Guidance and assistance was provided to me every step of the way and the suggestions were very good as they listened to my requirements very well

4.9 out of 5 stars
5-star rating
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Shared living room
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About this place

A very spacious 4 bedroom house in a great location within 15 minute walk of Warwick University and Canley Train Station. Very close to local shops and Cannon Park shopping area. 4 rooms available to share by students or professionals. There are 2 large double bedrooms 1 smaller double and 1 single bedroom. All rooms have been recently decorated to a high standard. The house is offered with a modern fitted kitchen, fully furnished lounge and bedrooms. Large bathroom and 2 W/C's. 2 Parking spaces on the recently tarmaced front drive. Large garden at the rear (access from the side of the house) with lockable outbuilding for bikes and storage.

Viewing highly recommended. Contact Guri 07946628501. Private landlord no agent and no hidden fees.

4 Bedroom house (HMO licensed) near Warwick University.
Available for 2024/2025 academic year.
Large fully refurbished furnished rooms.
Large lounge and kitchen.
Gas central heating with smart thermostat and double glazing.
1 bathroom and 2 W/C's.
Accredited landlord from CLAS

Rent as above (without utility bills)
Deposit secured with Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS)
12 Month Tenancy (11 month tenancy considered)
Maximum 4 tenants

Note:Rent with utility bills and fibre broadband can be agreed if preferred.

Verified property by Gurmukh Sehra.

A very spacious 4 bedroom house in a great location within 15 minute walk of Warwick University and Canley Train Station. Very close to local shops and Cannon Park shopping area. 4 rooms available to share by students or professionals. There are 2 large double bedrooms 1 smaller double and 1 single bedroom. All rooms have been recently decorated to a high standard. The house is offered with a modern fitted kitchen, fully furnished lounge and bedrooms. Large bathroom and 2 W/C's. 2 Parking spaces on the recently tarmaced front drive. Large garden at the rear (access from the side of the house) with lockable outbuilding for bikes and storage.

Viewing highly recommended. Contact Guri 07946628501. Private landlord no agent and no hidden fees.

4 Bedroom house (HMO licensed) near Warwick University.
Available for 2024/2025 academic year.
Large fully refurbished furnished rooms.
Large lounge and kitchen.
Gas central heating with smart thermostat and double glazing.
1 bathroom and 2 W/C's.
Accredited landlord from CLAS

Rent as above (without utility bills)
Deposit secured with Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS)
12 Month Tenancy (11 month tenancy considered)
Maximum 4 tenants

Note:Rent with utility bills and fibre broadband can be agreed if preferred.

Verified property by Gurmukh Sehra.

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