On average, it costs £116 per week to stay in student accommodation in Ormskirk. The average price for Ensuites is £116 per week. The actual price will depend on the location, facilities and amenities offered by the accommodation as well as how recently it was built or refurbished. You can browse all options here .
Students who stayed in Ormskirk have said good things about 32 Mill Street Ormskirk, 104 Wigan Road Ormskirk, and Ormskirk Town Student House student halls.
Many properties allow you to pay for accommodation in installments rather than in a single lump sum payment. However, they will usually require you to have a UK-based guarantor (a resident of the United Kingdom between the age of 18 and 75 who will be able to pay your rent).
Yes, many student properties in Ormskirk allow for dual occupancy of their rooms (e.g. for couples, best friends, siblings). Some properties offer this option absolutely for free, others charge a little extra. When browsing student rooms on Campusboard watch out for the 'Dual occupancy' label which will explain the terms for that room.